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Introduction of the Committee vol.9:『Haruna "Hannah" Yamakawa』

Updated: May 19, 2019


This time, let's get to know our beloved, tougher than diamond General Affairs: Haruna "Hannah" Yamakawa

English follows







Q4.ISC64の参加動機を教えてください。(What had led you to participate in ISC64?)

私は高校3年間をアメリカで過ごしました。帰国してから英語を話す機会が減り、日本でも国際交流できないかと思って探していたところISCに出会いました。世界各国の学生と日本で議論を出来ることはとても魅力的だと思いました。また、日本国内の学生も海外経験豊富な方たちばかりなので、自分自身にとっての刺激にもなると思いました。 I had lived in America for three years as an exchange student in high school. Ever since I came back to Japan, there is less opportunity to speak English than before. So I was looking for some opportunities and found ISC64. I thought having discussions about global issues with people from all over the world while still being in Japan was really fascinating. Also, since many of the Japanese participants had experiences abroad, I thought it would motivate me to learn English more.

Q5. ISC64を終えての感想を教えてください。(Can you share your feeling after ISC64's over?)

一言で言うなら、『夢のような9日間』でした。様々なバックグラウンドを持つ学生達との交流は毎日新しい発見ばかりで、刺激を受けました。楽しかった反面、自分自身の視野の狭さを痛感しました。ISCでの経験は多様性を受諾することの重要性を再確認できました。「自分が知っている他にも世界はもっと広がっている」と言うことを覚え、そのような世界で様々な人々とどのように関わっていくべきか考える良い機会になったと思います。あらためてグローバル社会で生きることを考えさせてくれるところも国際学生会議の魅力だと思います。 I would say the 9 days of the conference were like a dream. Interacting with people who have different backgrounds every day and sharing each other's cultures and  experiences were absolutely fun and definitely motivated me. At the same time, I realized how small my views towards to world were. All ISC experiences got me to rethink how important it is to accept diversity, and it made me realize that the world is broader than I had imagined. It was truly a wonderful experience to think again what we should do in this global society.

Q6. ISC64を終えて、今年は運営委員になりました。その理由を教えてください。(Can you share with us the reason you decided to become a committee members of ISC65?)

ISC64を経験し、もっと色んな人に国際学生会議での刺激的なで魅力的な体験をして欲しいと思ったからです。特に、地方の学生には首都圏の学生に比べ、国際交流の機会は少ないです。同じ地方出身として、首都圏だけではなく、地方の学生にも国際学生会議を経験してほしいと思ったことも立候補した理由の一つです。参加者一人一人と架け橋になれるような総務になりたいと思っています。 As I joined ISC64, I started thinking that I want many people to experience this wonderful event. So I decided to be a committee members for ISC65. Especially, for those who live far from Tokyo, I believe many of them have felt that there is much less opportunity to talk with people who came from foreign countries. As I am one of them, I want to encourage them to step out of their comfort zones and experience ISC. It is also a reason why I joined ISC65 as a committee member. I’ll definitely work hard to make a fantastic ISC65!

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